sobota, 2 lutego 2013

Natural korean makeup (eyes)

Hi guys,
Its last of natural korean makeup so lets go.
3) Eyes:

In korean natural makeup eyes should be bright, natural and nice. Important is what kind of eyes we have.

Sometimes european girls not looks good with black eyeliner but because everyone using it they must too. Thats not true. They will be looks much better with brown eyeliner which is popular in Korea coz looks more natural. 
The most important in natural korean eye look are shadows. It model ur eyes. 
Eyeliner makes ur eyes longer and more cute. But remember to not using it too much coz will be looks too strong. 
This makeup will be looks good on every eyes type. 
We dont need to use very much of cosmetics and make us face fake. We live to be real, not perfect. So If u not looks that awesome like many people around u it doesnt matter coz the truth is that u need just little makeup. Maybe u dont will be looks different but u will be more accept this what u have. Better is looks not perfect then have terrible scars. 

2 komentarze:

  1. Podoba mi się taki makijaż, aczkolwiek ciężko jest go wykonać, przynajmniej na moim oku ;_;

    btw. Proponuję przeniesienie guzika do obserwowania gdzieś na bok, bo ledwo go znalazłam, może wtedy bd więcej followersów :D

    1. Haha ok ;p a co do makijazu to wszystkim pasuje. trzeba tylko dobrac odpowiednio do swoich potrzeb. Np ja musze lekko podkreslac dolna powieke bo tak wygladam lepiej a byc moze tobie pasuje tylko gorna kreska. Tak samo z kolorem. Ostatnio kombinuje z zielonym I fioletowym kolorem kredki. Niestety przez zly zbieg okolicznosci nie mam jak zrobic zdjec, so sad TT.
