środa, 10 kwietnia 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Hi guys,
I got nomination to Liebster Blog Award by my best friend Pinku YaY!!! I really wanted got this coz I think thats great fun and... yes I was jealous when I saw it on other blogs haha xD


Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
Choose new blogs you love and link them in your post.
Please leave me a comment on this post with the URL
to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you!


1. What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

Hmmm... My life is boring haha xD But in high school we had some event, I dont remember details but it was something like "best class"? Anyway in this day I was singing in competition song about racism in Poland and I was black person... really! I used dark brown poster paint on my face, hands and legs, dressed beige shorts and my grandpa old shirt on which I painted fruits like pineapple, mandarin, grape etc. It was so much fun and shock for teachers haha xD

2. What fashion style do you prefer to wear?

Something like this:

3. Do you prefer to write/blog in the morning or at night?

of course at night

4. What are the best five words that would describe your character?


5. How do you spend your free time?

tumblr, DIY, blogs, walking with my dog, fitness, shopping, study, books

6. Do you believe in magic?

Ehm... thats interesting question xD I think that magic is something what other people dont understand like math xD I think everything is possible to explain so... I dont belive with this... But thats not mean that I dont watch movies about it or reading books. When I was young girl I was big fan of comics WITCH xD

7.What inspires you?

Ummm people aroud, my friends and internet

8. Things you want to change about your face ? 

Hmmm I would like to have smaller face

9. The word which you hate the most?

"I always will be on ur side" 

10.Tell about your first crush?

Hmmm serious? It was when I had maybe 13 years old. He was mix afro-european. Dark hair, milk chocolate skin, awesome blue eyes and sweet face. He had only one defect, stupid friends...

11. What is the dream place that you want to visit?

I want to visit many places in Asia. Thats not original but thats my dream place so I dont care heh

1. Cheap or expensive cosmetics?
2. How do u fighting with stress?
3. Tell me something about ur style.
4. What is ur favourite sport?
5. Which type of eyeliner do u prefer? 
6. Natural or fake hair color?
7. Beer or Vodka?
8. Which japanese fashion magazines u like the most?
9. Romantic relationship or fun?
10. Which movies/dramas do u like the most?
11. Will u come with me for a drink? xD

I hope u guys join coz thats really great fun ^^

2 komentarze:

  1. Hey ;D thats my post of the liebster blog nomination! :D

    i nominated you too x33 hope its okay? :D

    but i have a question! .. how does it end?? who choose the "winner" .. and when?? xD
    i don't get it ^^" ....

    haha have a nice day :*

  2. Thank You Yun to nominate me <3. I'll answer to your questions very soon.

    Witch it was a very good child memories too. I read it in a big girl magasine.

    Kisses !!
